
Pokhara is the most popular place of Nepal which is located in kaski district of Gandaki zone. Many popular places are in Khaski, but pokhara is the most popular place among them. In any season or full time tourists are coming in pokhara for visiting. Specially, pokhara is known by seven lakes district and also phewalake one wonderful lake because there is Talbarahi temple in the middle side (center) of phewalake . And then we cam see the shadow of Machhapuchchhre himal in phewalake. Only is not above, pokhara is known by the most raining spot and in which place we are feeling enjoy and peaceful. There are also another places like, Dev id falls, Tibbati sharanarthi camp, Mahendra Gupha, Seti river, Sidha Gupha, Dhandruk tourism spot e.t.c.


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